Why Computers Are Better Than Girlfriends

  1. Computers never, EVER gets a period.
  2. You will never find your computer in bed with your best friend.
  3. A computer doesn't mind you using other computers as well.
  4. With a computer, you can press the buttons without it getting sore.
  5. No matter how ugly your computer is, you can show it to your friends.
  6. If a computer gets a virus, it can be cleaned away.
  7. Your computer won't mind if you are unshaved, haven't showered this week or are sitting by it in your underwear.
  8. Your computer never wants to be taken out for dinner.
  9. No girlfriend can hold your undivided attention for 30 hours in a stretch.
  10. You wouldn't bother to play Strip Poker all night with a girlfriend.

Submitted By: Anonymous

This joke is rated: PG