Fun With Caller ID

The local paper, to which I don't bother to subscribe since I don't have a bird, calls every couple of weeks to try and get me to subscribe. With caller ID this becomes a perfect opportunity. Here are some of the hilights.

Phone rings. I glance at the monitor and pick up the phone.
"OK I'll take a subscription, but I only want it on weekends"
"You want to sell me a subscription. I'll take it, but only for Saturday and Sunday"
"We only offer it Thursday through Sunday."
"Oh then nevermind."
I hang up.

Phone rings. I glance at the monitor and pick up the phone.
"I don't want a subscription"
"You are calling to offer me a subscription. I don't want one."
"uh... OK"
I hang up.

Phone rings. I glance at the monitor and pick up the phone.
"Hi! Is this Billy-Bob's Gun and Ammo Shop?"
"I wanna buy a gun. You got any?"
I hang up.

Phone rings. I glance at the monitor and pick up the phone.
"Good afternoon, Gainesville Sun circulation department. How may I help you?"
"Umm... Sorry. Wrong number."
I hang up.

Submitted By: Anonymous
Apr 2, 1999 13:12

This joke is rated: PG