Beethoven's 9th

The pittsburgh symphony was putting on a performance of Beethoven's ninth and, if you've ever had a chance to look at the score, there's a really, reeeeally long period towards the end (about 30 minutes) where the bassists have nothing to do. They can either sit there on their stools looking stupid, or they can quietly get up and go out until it's time for them to return. Usually they go out.

Anyway, as they filed out during an evening performance, one bassist made the comment that perhaps they should take the 30 minutes they had and run next door to a favorite pub and quaff a few. Everyone took to this idea with great enthusiasm and it wasn't long before all were standing around, briskly consuming their beers.

One fellow asked the perpetrator how long they had and the clever fellow replied, "Oh, don't worry -- I've arranged for us to get some extra time. I tied a string around the conductor's music a page or two before we're supposed to be in there so he'll have to slow down to untie it."

Unfortunately, they had a little *too* good of a time, and when they came stumbling back, they discovered they were in a real mess. Why?

Because . . .
it was the bottom of the ninth,
the score was tied,
and the bassists were loaded.

Submitted By: Anonymous

This joke is rated: PG
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